Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Pool Party

I don't get to see Joe's kids that often, and we have been wanting to all get together for a while. My stepbrother and his wife were in town, so we all got together over at Pat's neighborhood pool. (Everyone was there except for Andrea and her family. They live in Georgia.)
It was the first time that the babies have gotten to go swimming in a "real" pool, and they really enjoyed it.
Xiomora, my stepbrother's wife, was nice enough to hold Tyler, so they could get in the pool at the same time. Brent is not a real pool person.

It was too fun to see the kiddos in their suits, and I had a cute little cover-up for Ashley, too. Here she is with her Aunt Karla.

It was a fun day for us, and I think the kids really enjoyed it, too.

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