Friday, June 21, 2013

Pirate Day

Yesterday was the first in a series of theme days that I'm planning for this summer.  It was pirate day...and the kids loved it.
They dressed in Jake and Izzy costumes (from Jake and the Neverland Pirates). We had bought these costumes for Pirate in the Caribbean Night on our Disney cruise, and they have been in our dress-up bin, so it was fun to get them out. I also wore a costume (the one Brent wore on our cruise), but I intentionally made sure there was no photographic evidence of it.
Our first activity of the day was to make "jewel"-encrusted swords.
I found these awesome foam swords at the dollar store and the kids got to add some stick-on jewels.
Next, we went to the back porch and dug for buried treasure.
I hid some dollar store rings, earrings and coins in the sand, and the kids dug and dug.
We did this for a while and even came back to it later on in the day. 
My other big activity was a treasure hunt with a map.
I made a large map of our house and yard on an old grocery sack. I even took the time to burn the edges for effect.  I definitely spent the most time on this, and some of the detailing was probably lost on 3-year-olds, but I had a lot of fun with it.
I put "x"'s at places throughout the house and we used the map to find "gold doubloons."
The kids were so happy when they found them. I didn't get any pictures of lunch, but the kiddos got little pirate flags in their PB and J sandwiches and sword toothpicks in their craisens. The day ended with dinner from Long John Silver's, movie night watching Treasure Island (Tyler liked it and asked to watch it again sometime. Ashley thought their was too much fighting. I agree with Ashley.), and finally a pirate bedtime story...How I Became a Pirate, which is a really cute book. Overall, pirate day was a huge success...has me looking forward to our next theme day, cowboy day. 

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