Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Glad We Are Moving! (or Living in an Explosive Neighborhood)

The following series of photos may have you asking yourself some questions, like...

What is that narrow yellow tape streaming from your handrail to the tire of your car?

Why is there a giant tent in your neighbors yard?

Why is the Oklahoma County Sheriff's Bomb Squad-mobile parked directly in front of your house?

Is that a bomb detecting robot across the street?

The answers to these questions and more can be found at:
And yes, the picture in that article is also of our two cars. Apparently, the neighbor two doors down has been making bombs in his free time. We woke up this morning to find some cop cars in the street. As the operation became more elaborate, Brent stepped outside to ask if we need be concerned. He was just in time to see the bomb-detecting robot enter our neighbors house. This is not necessarily something anyone wants to see. We were told that they evacuated the next door neighbor, and we could leave if we want, but should be fine. Quite an interesting day!

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