Monday, August 12, 2013

Cardboard Box Cars

Last Friday, I got out some cardboard boxes to make "race cars" for the kids. The kids ended up enjoying it even more than I thought they would.
I drew a steering wheel on the box, then let the kids go to town with markers and stickers, decorating their "cars."
After some decorating, the kids got in to "race."
Then they had to do some more decorating. They decided that the stickers could be buttons, so they had to put on ones to go underwater, up in the sky and to find buried treasure (among others).
They also knew that Athena was coming over on Saturday, so they insisted that I bring out another box to make a car for her.
Of course, after Athena's car was done, they insisted I get in it, and we went on quite an adventure, which included getting out of the car and swimming in the ocean and getting out in the sky and sitting for a while on a cloud. (I do just love their imaginations. There was a moment during this time that I thought, "This is exactly what childhood should be.")
Never underestimate the fun of a cardboard box!

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