Wednesday, August 28, 2013

End of Summer Highlights

We've had a lot of fun over the last few weeks. The kids got to see their first Redhawks game.
We went with Toby, Karla, Athena and Granddad, and the kids loved it!
Tyler, in particular, was full of questions about the game, and it turns out baseball is a pretty complicated game to explain. I didn't know how much I knew about baseball until I started to explain it to him. We also took a trip to the Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum.
The kids enjoyed the dress-up clothes, pretending to cook beans over the open fire, learning about the rodeo, and hopping up on the saddles.
We've also enjoyed a trip to the Edmond Historical Society Museum,
And the Wondertorium with Cousin Athena.
Yesterday, the twins took off for their biggest adventure yet...a trip with Grandma and Grandpa to their cabin in Minnesota.
Brent and I plan to join them this weekend, and I can't wait to hear their stories!

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