Ok, this is pretty embarrassing to tell on myself, but here it is
anyway... I decided to clean out the pantry yesterday. I'm wanting to do some more cooking, so this seemed like a good idea. I was also thinking about something my mom said at Christmas. She was talking about how my step-grandmother used to get mad at she and Joe when they threw away things from her pantry that were expired. My mom let all of us know that if we see something in her pantry that is expired, that we have not only the right but the obligation to throw it away. With that in mind, I thought that I had better go through the pantry and look at the
expiration of everything, throwing away all expired food. I found a number of items that expired sometime in 2008...expected. Some items that expired before that...a little embarrassing. Then, I came upon this canister of Quaker Oats. After peering at the bottom of the container, I exclaimed to Brent, "We have a winner."

Yes, you are reading that correctly...these Quaker Oats were best before September, 21, 1998. 1998...I wasn't even married then. I was in college. I realized that means that I had these expired Quaker Oats in my college apartment, moved them with me when I married Brent to Rhode Island, moved them to our second apartment in Rhode Island, moved them to my mom and Joe's house for 3 months when we moved back to Oklahoma, moved them to our apartment here in
OKC, then to our current house. 5 moves...after they expired!

Tellingly, the canister is still about 3/4
ths full. It is clear I am not a big Quaker Oats fan. In fact, I'm not exactly sure why I bought them. Maybe, to try to make my mom's Chocolate Chip Oatmeal bars?

Sadly, these Quaker Oats will not make the next move with us. They made the final move to the garbage can last night. And I promised myself to look at the
expiration of items in my pantry more frequently.