Saturday, May 30, 2009

Trip to Washington, D.C.

We got to take a somewhat unexpected...or at least, planned at the last minute, trip to Washington, D.C. two weekends ago. Brent's parents had never been to D.C., and so we wanted to go with them, and it worked out that my grandparents were staying at the American Christian Trust House of Prayer, and there was room for us to stay with them. We originally did not think that I would be able to go on the trip, because of the complications of my pregnancy, but my doctor cleared me...saying I am far enough along now that I can resume regular pregnancy activity.

We didn't take the greatest pictures of the trip, but here are a few. Brent next to the Easter Island head that is at the Natural History Museum. We were able to see three of the Smithsonian Museums - Air and Space, Natural History and American History.

Here is Brent on the mall with the Capital in the background.

Brent's family in the Senate prayer chapel in the Capital.

And my grandparents with their friend Ruth Mizell in the Senate prayer chapel. We did not think that we were going to be able to tour the Capital, because we had planned the trip last minute, and there were no more public tour tickets available. We were incredibly blessed though the last day, when a friend of my grandparents, Ruth Mizell, who was the wife of a former congressman, gave us a personal tour. Security was tight because the Israeli prime minister was at the Capital that day, but we got into the Capital, and got to see some things not normally on the tour, including this Senate prayer chapel.

Overall, it was a wonderful trip. I took it easy because of the pregnancy, so I stayed back at the house some, but in addition to the things above, Brent and his family also saw the Washington monument, WWII Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, Vietnam Wall, Arlington Cemetery and Library of Congress...and I went with them to a service at the National Cathedral and to the Archives as well, to see the Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights.
We also didn't get any pictures of my cousin Christi-Anna and her husband Jeff, but they were able to come up for a portion of the time that we were there from their home in Virginia. It was so wonderful to see them, particularly because Christi-Anna is also pregnant. My grandparents were excited to get a visit from their first 3 great-grandchildren!
What a wonderful trip! Thanks to mom and dad and grandmother and grandad for making it possible!