I had about given up on putting up a Christmas tree this year. With six-week-old twins, the sleep deficit that I had acquired made survival seem like a near impossibility, much less anything as
frivolous as putting up a Christmas tree. However, thanks to some amazing friends and family who took over the night shift this last week/weekend, we were able to catch up on some sleep (Thanks Mandy,
Ursi, Meghan, mom and dad!!! You saved my sanity, and I'm not kidding!) After some sleep and a few days home alone with the babies where they did really good, the world seemed a little bit brighter...so Friday afternoon, we put on our Christmas outfits

and trimmed the tree. This picture only shows lights, but I promise we eventually got ornaments on it, too. (By we, I mean me. My kids are over-achievers, and all, but they haven't quite got the motor skills to decorate a Christmas tree.)
Ashley did get a little fussy, but I put her in the Moby wrap, and we were good to go.

I have to give some credit to my mom and Jill, too. They came over on Friday morning, helped out with the babies and laundry and let me sleep in. Thanks!!! I'm so happy that we didn't have to skip a Christmas tree for the babies first Christmas. What a blessed year it is to have these two little ones!