Yesterday, I spent a good portion of the day in my dad's pool. It was great! I love the water, and I'm exciting that we are going to be putting in a pool at our new house. These pictures were Brent's attempt to capture the swimming competitions that took place between my brother and I. I would first like to say that while both of us are fully able to keep from drowning in the water, we have never had a single swim lesson.

While both of our spouses have had professional training (if summer swim lessons at the Glasgow public pool and/or YMCA count as professional training), neither of them were willing to participate in these competitions. Toby and I, however, did participate in competitions of all four swimming strokes. (Though claims could be made that neither of us actually did the butterfly, despite significant efforts made.)

If in these pictures, it appears that our efforts to preform these swim strokes brought us perhaps closer to drowning rather than further away, you are actually getting an accurate flavor for the competition.

Looking again at these pictures, they may convey more about the pasty white condition of skin than the swim strokes that I attempted, and in some cases did quite well. (The breaststroke was my best, while Toby excelled in the freestyle, but come on, anyone can do the freestyle...except maybe, me. LOL)

In the end, my dad could not even stay out of the competion, and jumped in to attempt one freestyle lap. Much to Toby and I's embarassment, he beat both of our times. However, Brent was the timekeeper...we did not have Omega touchpads, so I'm not sure about the accuracy.

Despite my standing as dead last in all strokes...I had a lot of fun!
1 comment:
You all are hilarious! I'm sure your talent comes from all the swimming we did growing up. I have to say I am jealous your putting in a pool. Enjoy - Love ya.
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