A few months back I read a book called, "Alphabet Weekends." It wasn't that great of a book, but it gave me a good idea. In the book, two friends agree to plan Alphabet Weekends for each other, activities or whatnot that start with a different letter of the alphabet, and end up falling in love. Brent and I are already in love, but I thought it sounded fun, so I took the first letter, and last night we went to the Art Walk in the Paseo. The Art Walk is the first Friday of every month. Basically, they open up all the galleries in the Paseo, you can walk around, some of them have champagne and hors d'ouevres. There also tends to be live music, and there were even some people preforming poetry. We went with Toby and Karla and ate at the Paseo Grill first, which is yummy! Then we met up with our friends John and Taniya afterwards for a little bit. It was dark, so my iphone pics did not turn out wonderfully, but you can see Toby and Karla and Brent in this one. (Brent thought it would be funny to take a picture of me, while I took a picture of them.)

Quite a bit of the art was neat, and we will probably buy some things down there when we start decorating our new house, but this group of paintings cracked me up. I had to take a picture of the one that I thought was the craziest. I mean, who doesn't want a picture of a green werewolf head over a confederate flag hanging in their living room?

Despite this strange painting, I think the evening was a success. And I can't wait to see what Brent comes up with for "B."