Last night, we went to Toby and Karla's UN Party. Yes, I said UN party. Toby and Karla like to take the minor holidays and throw parties for them. Everyone has a 4th of July party, but not too many people have a Groundhog's Day party, but Toby and Karla did. Yesterday was UN Day, so Toby and Karla had a party. Everyone had to choose a country in the UN, bring a beverage from that country and optionally dress in the attire of that country.

Toby claimed to be from Estonia. Pretty scary, huh? His coworkers were trying to get him to were the mohawk to work on Monday. I don't think Chesapeake is a mohawk kind of company.

Brent was Canada...scary thing is that the hat was the only piece of this outfit that Brent did not already own.

I was Jamaica. If you look very closely on the right side of my head, you can see the beaded braid. Fun times!
That is a really scary picture of Toby - does he have eyeliner on? I'm really glad that Brent didn't own that hat before:)
He does have eyeliner on...and black lipstick. This was his first experience wearing makeup, and he commented that eyeliner was awful and hard to get off. That cracked me up!
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