My son can. We had our latest ultrasound yesterday. The babies are doing well. The funniest picture that we got was this one. That is Tyler's foot next to his face. We were watching the ultrasound, and Brent asked the doctor if that was Tyler's foot. Sure enough it was, and the doctor tried to get us a good picture of it. He asked Brent if he could do that....the answer is: not without serious injury. :)

They are estimating that Ashley weighs 2lbs. 14
ozs., and Tyler weighs 3lbs. 11
ozs. Yes, that's close to 7lbs. of baby that I am now carrying around. The girl who did the ultrasound kindly pointed out that if I was just having a single baby, this would be the end, but instead I've got two months or more to go. Yikes!
We were a little concerned about the disparity in the babies weights, but the doctor said not to worry. He said they are both developing appropriately, have plenty of fluid, and look great. With fraternal twins, they just have a different genetic make-up, so they are going to develop differently.
I have my next ultrasound in three weeks. Can't wait to see these guys again!
just precious! Praying for you daily and cannot wait to meet the little ones! Please let me know if you need anything at all!
So cute! I definitely can't do that either:) Glad to hear it is still going well. Love you.
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