I had another ultrasound today, but neither Tyler nor Ashley would smile for the camera. Ashley was obstructed by Tyler's legs (it's getting tight in there), and Tyler was facing the wrong way. The only pic that I got was this little one of Tyler's foot.

Apparently, my twins didn't get the memo that they are supposed to be smaller than your average baby. As of today, Ashley weighs 4 lbs. 5
ozs. and Tyler weighs 5 lbs. 10
ozs. My mom pointed out that Tyler now weighs more than my brother Toby did at birth! It's a little crazy that I'm carrying around basically 10 lbs of baby at this point, but I'm happy that they are both healthy and growing well. Ashley is still breach and in the lower position, while Tyler has moved a little more vertex. The doctors doubt that they will change position dramatically at this point, so it looks like this will be a C-section birth. If I make it to November 10
th (38 weeks), we will do a scheduled C-section then, but the doctor today said he doubted I would make it that long. So, it looks like we will have two little (or not so little) babies in 6 weeks or less. Can't wait to meet these little guys face to face!!!
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